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Our Services

Our landscape design specialists are here to help achieve the landscaping of your dreams. We have many options to complete your landscaping!

Option 1: Our Landscape Specialists Design and Install​ Landscaping

An initial appointment with our landscape designer will be needed to create a landscape estimate and design. At this appointment, we will take measurements, pictures, and discuss your ideas. To book this appointment, there is a $200 charge. This non-refundable, non-transferable charge will cover the site visit and design.

This will include a 3D and 2D design showing the finished plan, as well as a pricing estimate that will include all costs and fees necessary to complete the project. After this is completed, we will contact you to schedule a follow up appointment at the greenhouse, where we will discuss our plan and suggestions, as well as any possible changes. Here, you can view the materials that we incorporate into your design. 

We will also discuss time frames for completion of the project. Due to the large amount of designs to complete, projects will not begin immediately. Each project can take up to a few weeks, and we are currently scheduling into the upcoming season. Please let us know if you have any time constraints beforehand. Jobs are completed on a first come, first serve basis and can be affected heavily by many outside factors, including weather.

Once a design is agreed on, we will confirm an installation date.

To begin this process, call 315-339-8460 or visit the greenhouse to pay the landscape design fee and schedule an appointment.

Option 2: Our Landscape Specialists Design and you Install​ Landscaping

In this option, we ask our customers to fill out a simple form outlining your needs for your project. We also ask you to sketch out your dimensions, and attach some photos of the project area. We appreciate as many photos and information as you can add. This will help us get the best feel for your project. 

In the question form, you can mention your favorite plants, or any preferences you may have. Feel free to ask iour garden center specialists any questions you may have, and view plant materials at the garden center beforehand. 

With this option, a $200 landscape design fee is charged. As in option one, the fee includes a 2D and 3D mockup and layout of your landscaping project, and an estimate for pricing, including all materials necessary to complete the project. However, this estimate will not include any labor charges, as our landscaping crew will not be completing the project.

Once your design is complete, we will contact you to meet with us and discuss the proposal at the garden center. Here, we can discuss any changes (please note: the design fee only covers one set of designs), as well as planting procedures, watering needs, and any other questions you may have.

Once the design is approved, you can begin selecting plants and working on your project! Please note: a condition of this option is that any plants and project materials are purchased from the R. Jones Nursery garden center. This helps ensure the health and longevity of your plants. We only carry and recommend plants that are hardy for our horticultural zone.

All designs and estimates may take a few weeks to complete. Due to the popularity of this service, out design specialists have a large amount of designs to complete. Please inform us beforehand if you have any time constraints.

To begin this process, visit the garden center, or call us at 315-339-8460.


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